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75 Science Fair Projects for 8th Graders

75 Science Fair Projects for 8th Graders

Are you looking for an intriguing eighth grade science fair project? We've got you covered with this carefully selected list of science fair projects specifically for eighth graders.

Extracting DNA from Onions
Can DNA be taken out of the cell? We'll find out using an onion! (Check out the video where DNA is taken out of strawberries!)
Growing Plants from Fragmentation
Learn how to grow a new plant from a piece of an existing one!
Busting Acne Bacteria
Let's find out which acne medications are the most effective against bacteria that cause acne!
Soap and Surface Tension
Learn how soap can break the surface tension of water and mix oil and water together!
Bicycle Helmet Shock Absorption
Do more expensive bicycle helmets absorb more shock?
Glowing in the Dark
Have you ever wondered how to make glow-in-the-dark stickers glow longer?
Testing Fabric Types for Water Resistance
Can you make fabric waterproof? Find out by testing different fabrics with and without Scotch Guard!
Temperature and Solubility
Let's explore how temperature affects the amount of substances that can be dissolved in water!
Viewing Sunspots
See the sun like never before! View sunspots through a telescope or a homemade 'pinhole camera' and explore the sun's surface.
The Greenhouse Effect
Let's explore how different surfaces affect the temperature increase due to the greenhouse effect!
Geode Rock Borax Crystal
Make your own sparkling geode rock crystals at home with Borax and see science in action!
The Chocolate Rock Cycle
Have you ever heard of rocks made of chocolate? Use chocolate to learn about the rock cycle in this delicious science project!
Building Strong Bridges
Learn how to build bridges that can hold a lot of weight using triangles and squares!
Build a Lightning Storm Detector
Make a high voltage motor in just 5 minutes with everyday items!
Hamsters and Time of Day
Do you want to know when hamsters are most alert? Find out by timing how long it takes a hamster to negotiate a maze at different times of day!
Rolling the Dice: Probability
Learn how probability works by rolling dice and seeing what numbers come up!
Singing Glass
Make music with water and a glass! Learn how to turn a drinking glass into an instrument.
How Does Sleep Affect Your Body?
Do you ever wonder how sleep affects your body? Find out by conducting an experiment to measure your vital signs while you sleep!
Recognizing Facial Expressions
Can you tell what someone is feeling just by looking at their face? Find out in this fun science project!
Fast Food Nutrition
Are you curious about what's really in your fast food? Find out by conducting this experiment!
Exploring the Relativity of Time
How does time pass for you? Is it the same for everyone? Let's find out!
Rock Hardness Challenge
How hard is that rock? You can learn how to classify your own rocks by their hardness just like geologists!
Let's Glow!
Can bioluminescent bacteria measure water pollution? Join us to find out!
Plant Growth: Hydroponics vs. Soil
Can plants grow faster when grown hydroponically instead of in soil? Find out in this experiment!
Does Cooking Deplete Vitamin C?
Let's find out if cooking fruits and vegetables depletes their Vitamin C content!
Vitamin C in Orange Juice
Do different brands of orange juice contain different levels of vitamin C? Find out by testing different types of orange juice and measuring the amount of vitamin C in each!
Soil as an Electrical System
Learn how soil can act like an electrical system and how it can be used to attract and hold plant nutrients.
Making Antibubbles
Have you ever seen a bubble that's made of air instead of water? Learn how to make your own underwater antibubbles!
Why is the Sky Blue?
Have you ever wondered why the sky is blue? Let's find out by using a flashlight, glue sticks, and polarizing filters!
Does Music Help Plants Grow?
Can plants grow better when they listen to classical music? Find out in this experiment!
Magnetism and Radish Growth
Can magnets affect the growth of radish seedlings? Find out in this fun experiment!
Acid Rain and Seed Germination
Does acid rain affect the germination of carrot seeds? Let's find out!
Heat Retention Experiment
Let's find out which material is the best at keeping heat in!
Precipitation Across the US
Let's explore how much rain and snow falls in different parts of the US!
Cooking Meat: Yield and Composition
Learn how to cook meat to get the best yield and composition!
What Color Light Shines the Brightest Through Fog?
Can you figure out which color light will shine the brightest through a foggy liquid?
Maximizing Solar Energy
Can you figure out the best way to get the most power from the sun?
Egg in a Bottle
Can air pressure push an egg into a bottle? Find out in this fun experiment!
Measuring the Speed of Sound
Ever wondered how fast sound travels? Find out with this fun science project!
Human Body Battery
Create an electric current using your own body!
Make Your Own Fog!
Create a spooky, mysterious fog in a bottle with just two bottles, hot and cold water, and an ice cube!
Can We Taste the Difference?
Can you tell the difference between regular and low-fat foods? Find out in this fun science project!
Plant Growth Comparison
Let's see if two different growth hormones can help plants grow faster!
Salinity and Temperature: A Science Project
Learn how temperature and salinity interact by testing the salinity of water in three jars at different temperatures!
Exercise and Memory: A Science Project
Does exercise help you remember better? Find out in this fun science project!
How Fast Can You React?
Are you fast enough to beat the clock? Find out by testing your reaction time with this fun science project!
Fireflies: Bioluminescence
Have you ever wondered how fireflies are able to create their own light? Learn how fireflies use their unique ability to survive and how this process can be used to ...
Does Processed Food Produce Gas?
Do you want to find out if processed foods produce gas? Join us in this experiment to find out!
Remembering TV: A Science Experiment
Can you remember what you see on TV? Find out with this fun science experiment!
Electricity from a Lemon
Discover the incredible power of lemons! With lemons and basic materials, you can create an eco-friendly battery that powers an LED light!
Egg with Vinegar
Explore this fascinating egg experiment with vinegar that makes a bouncy egg! Discover the science of acid and base chemical reactions and protein denaturation!
Rock Candy: Sweet Science
Get ready to become a candy-making scientist! Grow your own giant sugar crystals and make rock candy you can eat!
Fruit Solar System
Explore the solar system with fruits! Pick which fruit represents each planet based on their size, then order them according to their distances from the sun.
How to Make Oobleck: Is it a Liquid or Solid?
This simple Oobleck recipe of cornstarch and water is a fun introduction to the complex science of non-Newtonian fluids!
Sparkling Rainbow Crystal
Make your own sparkling rainbow crystals at home with Borax and see science in action!
Magic Milk Experiment
See colors magically move in milk with soap! This fun experiment demonstrates surface tension in a vivid way!
Solar System Model with Foil, Play dough and a Balloon
Build a mini version of our solar system with planets made from play dough or foil and a balloon sun. Discover the wonders of space!
Pocket Solar System: A Scaled Model of Our Solar System
Ever wanted to hold the solar system in your hands? With this project, you can build your own pocket-sized model!
Water Strider Challenge: Make a Bug Walk on Water!
Can you make a pipe cleaner foil bug walk on water? Find out with this engineering challenge by building your own water strider and exploring the science of surface tension.
Play-doh Solar System Scale Model
Explore our solar system with Play-doh! Make a scale model of planets and moons and learn about their size and distance from each other.
How Many Earths Fit Across the Sun?
Have you ever wondered how big the Sun really is? See how many Earths can go across the Sun!
Tooth Decay Experiment With Eggs
Can your favorite drinks harm your teeth? Find out using hard boiled eggs in this science project!
Freezing Rocks: Mechanical Weathering with Water
Ever wondered how water can break rocks? Discover the power of ice in this exciting experiment on weathering!
Cornstarch Quicksand: Can You Escape Its Grasp?
Mix cornstarch and water to make quicksand and see if your hands sink!
Fizzy Rocks: Vinegar on Rocks
Find out if rocks have calcium carbonate, also known as calcite, in them with a simple fizz test!
Porosity and Permeability of Rocks: Holding Water, Gas and Oil
Can some rocks hold more oil, gas and water than others? Find out in this rock porosity and permeability experiment!
Measuring Rock Density
Rocks are irregularly shaped. How can you measure the density of a rock? (Density = weight / volume) Discover the answer by using water displacement and weighing the rock to ...
My Pet Rock in the Rock Cycle
Curious about pet rocks? Make some and learn about the rock cycle in the process!
Starburst Rock Cycle
Make delicious rock formations using Starbursts! Learn how the earth makes rocks in a tasty way.
Crayon Rock Cycle
Discover how to make your own sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rocks using crayons!
Solar System Scale Model on the Sidewalk
Create your own solar system model to scale on the sidewalk and take a walk through space!
Egg Drop Project: Protect the Egg!
Can you protect a raw egg from breaking when dropped from high up? Have fun in this engineering challenge!
One Minute Spaghetti
Science makes it possible to cook spaghetti in just a minute! Soak it first, then cook in a flash. Save the planet while enjoying your favorite dish!
Magical Color-Changing Lava Lamp
Watch as changing colors swirl and dance in this mesmerizing lava lamp experiment using red cabbage juice and Alka-Seltzer tablets. Discover the secrets of pH indicators and fizzy reactions!
Paper Airplane Challenge
Let's see which paper airplane can fly the farthest! Fold, decorate, and launch your own planes to find the winning design.

8th Grade Science Fair Project FAQ

What are some easy 8th grade science fair projects?

Each one of these easy science fair projects is ideal for eighth grade science students to learn important scientific concepts using readily available materials. These are terrific project ideas to get 8th grade students interested in science and have fun doing it!

  • Static Electricity: What's Attracting?

  • The Effect of Temperature on Fingerprints

  • Soap and Surface Tension

  • Bicycle Helmet Shock Absorption

  • Glowing in the Dark

  • Growing Plants from Fragmentation

  • Extracting DNA from Onions

  • Temperature and Solubility

  • Viewing Sunspots

  • Bacteria on Chopping Boards

Science fair project details right above the FAQ!

What is the best 8th grade science project ever?

We think the Extracting DNA from Onions science fair project is awesome for middle school students! This science project aims to demystify DNA by showing how easy it is to extract from onions and what DNA looks like when it's outside of the cell. It's a classic science experiment to learn about DNA and how DNA can be extracted from many kinds of cells. Check out the video on the project page where DNA is extracted from strawberries too! What other fruits and vegetables can you extract DNA from?

If you're looking for more 8th grade science projects, check out the 8th grade science fair projects at the top of this page! 

Check out more Best Science Fair Projects

What are some cool 8th grade science fair projects?

Get ready to be amazed by these super cool science projects for 8th graders! With just a few common items, get ready for have tons of fun with a cool science fair project!

  • Soap Bubbles in Carbon Dioxide

  • Extracting DNA from Onions

  • Exploring Cave Formations

  • Busting Acne Bacteria

  • Glowing in the Dark

  • Viewing Sunspots

  • The Effect of Temperature on Fingerprints

  • Soap and Surface Tension

  • Viewing Sunspots

  • Bacteria on Chopping Boards

Science fair project details right above the FAQ!

What are 5 testable questions for 8th grade?

A testable question is a question that we can answer through a science experiment. To do this, we do a control science experiment, then we change one thing in the experiment to see how it affects what happens. This is how we can discover the answer to our question! Eighth grade science students can use the following testable questions for a science fair project.

  • Do detergents affect plant growth?

  • Can drink and food taste different just by changing its color?

  • Does the color of light affect photosynthesis?

  • Does temperature affect seed sprouting?

  • What makes popcorn pop?

Here are more testable questions along with their science projects

What are the top 10 science projects for 8th grade?

These are our top 10 science projects for 8th grade, with projects from Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Engineering and Environmental Science. These projects can be used as science fair project ideas or as a fun experiment to explore different areas of science!

  • Extracting DNA from Onions

  • Growing Plants from Fragmentation

  • Busting Acne Bacteria

  • Soap and Surface Tension

  • Bicycle Helmet Shock Absorption

  • Glowing in the Dark

  • Testing Fabric Types for Water Resistance

  • Temperature and Solubility

  • Viewing Sunspots

  • The Greenhouse Effect

Science project details right above the FAQ!

Can I do a 8th grade science fair project in a day?

Yes! Quick experiments or making a model can be a great option for a science fair project! Since you're short on time, they all use readily available materials. Here are quick science fair project ideas to get you started.

  • The Solar System: See it in the correct scale!

Create your own solar system model to scale on the sidewalk and take a walk through space! Solar System Scale Model on the Sidewalk

  • Chromatography reaction: Separating out colors!

Have you ever wondered why leaves change color in the fall? Let's find out by using chromatography to separate the colors of a green leaf! Uncovering Fall Colors

  • Heat reactions: Heat speeds things up!

Does the temperature of a room affect how quickly a candle burns? Burn Rate of a Candle

What are some hands-on ways to find inspiration for my science fair project?

Science museums are great places to explore if you're looking for inspiration for your next science fair project or just want to learn more about science. Science museums, natural history museums, space museums, and discovery museums are all great places to do that! You can discover all sorts of interesting things about science and find cool project ideas for science fairs.

There may be free admission days or free passes to a science museum near you! Check your local library for free museum passes, nearby science museums for free entrance days and your credit card for offers.

Find a science museum near you and prepare to be awed by all that you can learn there! I always learn something new and am inspired whenever I go to a science museum!

How do I start a science fair project?

Science fair projects are a fun and unique way to discover science by asking a question and doing a science project. We'll help you find a science fair project idea and guide you through the process of doing and presenting your science fair project with Science Fair Coach's Science Fair Project Guide.

What should I do after I have a science fair project idea?

If you have a science fair project idea, Science Fair Coach can help you turn it into a full science fair project! Starting at Introduction to Science Fairs, we'll guide you through how to do a science fair project, from designing and conducting your experiment to collecting and analyzing your findings. Then, we'll help you showcase your results on a science fair board with our Guide to Science Fair Posters.

How do I make a science fair board?

Your science fair board is where you show off your science fair project for everyone to see and learn from. With our Guide to Science Fair Posters, you can make sure your science fair board stands out and impresses at the science fair!

What is the scientific method?

The 7 steps of the scientific method helps us understand how nature works. Learn how the scientific method is used in a science fair project example, and how it's evolved through history as scientists used different ways to learn about nature with our Guide to the Scientific Method!

What is the engineering design process?

The 6 steps of the engineering design process helps us design an effective solution to a problem. Learn how to use the engineering design process with the example of the egg drop challenge in our Guide to the Engineering Design Process!

Where can I find a science fair competition?

Science fair competitions are an excellent opportunity to explore science. One of the of the premier science advocacy organizations, the Society for Science, is associated with more than 400 science fair competitions in almost every US state, as well as over 70 other countries, regions, and territories. You can find out if there's a Society of Science affiliated science fair near you!

The www Virtual Library: Science Fairs website also has a collection of science fairs from all over the world, as well as national, state, regional, local, and virtual competitions!

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