Have you ever wondered how big the Sun really is? See how many Earths can go across the Sun!
Explore our solar system with Play-doh! Make a scale model of planets and moons and learn about their size and distance from each other.
Build a mini version of our solar system with planets made from play dough or foil and a balloon sun. Discover the wonders of space!
Explore the solar system with fruits! Pick which fruit represents each planet based on their size, then order them according to their distances from the sun.
Explore the solar system with this fun activity! Bounce around with the planets, and discover the moon, stars, and Sun!
Create a mini Milky Way galaxy in a jar that sparkles! It's mesmerizing and so much fun to make and gaze at!
Discover the tasty way to learn about the Moon phases using Oreo cookies! Create your very own edible Moon models to learn the different Moon phases.
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