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1000 Science Fair Projects with Complete Instructions

Attribution: This is a cached copy of a third party project. Many of these sites are from 20 years ago and the majority are no longer running. We show only the first page of the project. We do not save all pages since copyright belongs to the third-party author.

Multicellular organisms come in a variety of sizes but they are all assemblies
of cells. A general question that follows from this is "is there any relation
between the size of an organism and the size of the cells that make it up?".

1) Measure the length of the cell from different organisms under the microscope.
2) Measure the size of the different organisms.

- Humans:
cheek cell: average size = 70 microns
vein cell: average size = 46.8 microns
spinal cord cell = 57.2 microns

- Elodea:
between 19 and 27 hash marks (X40)
average cell size = 241.8 microns

- Wild Algae
between 14 and 19 hash marks (X40)
average cell size = 174.2 microns

There is no absolute relation between the size of an organism and the size of
the cells that constitute it. As we observed, the elodea's average cell
size is larger than that of the human's. Also, different kinds of human cells
are about the same size.