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Science Project  
In Which Temperature Do Crystals Grow Best?

Researched by Jennifer




The purpose of this experiment was to determine if temperature affects the  mass of crystal growth.

I became interested in this idea because I have my own crystal growing kit at home, and I would like to observe which temperature they grow largest in. 

The information gained from this experiment could aid scientists in growing larger crystals, as well as manufacturers who are interested in growing them.  The computer industry has many uses for crystals, and this knowledge could help them.


My hypothesis is that the crystals will grow best in warm temperature. 

I base my hypothesis on the fact that I have grown crystals before and the directions informed me to put them on a windowsill where they could be reached by sunlight. 


The constants  in this study were: the same amount of solute, the same kind of solvent, the same concentration, and the same kind of container.

The manipulated variable was the temperature the crystals were grown in. 

The responding variable was the mass of the crystal growth.

To measure the responding variable I will weigh the container in grams.

1 crystal growing kit
6 crystals
1  refrigerator
1  fireplace
1   cupboard
6  glass dishes
6 crystal solutions
3 rocks



1.   Purchase crystal growing kit.
2.   Gather all materials.
3.   Read instructions carefully, and mix solution.
4.   Repeat step 3, 8 more times.
5.   Place each dish with crystal solution in a box.
6.   Repeat step two eight times.
7.   Take temperature for refrigerator. 
8.   Take temperature for are around fireplace.
9.   Take temperature for are around cupboard.
10.  Record all three temperatures. 
11.  Place three dishes of crystal solutions in the refrigerator.
12.  Place three dishes of crystal solution on top of a cupboard.
13.  Observe and record growth of crystals for three to four days.
14.  On fourth day, dump solution from dishes.
15.  Record the growth for the crystal on the cupboard.
16.  After letting crystals dry, remove them from the dish.
17.  Using a scale, weigh the crystals from each trial and find out which is heaviest.
18.  Record results for every trial.
19.  Analyze results. 


The original purpose of this experiment was to find out which temperature crystals grew best in. 

The results of the experiment were that the crystals grew largest in hot temperature, by the fireplace.



My hypothesis was that the crystals would grow best in hot temperature. 

The results indicate that this hypothesis was only half-correct.  The crystals grew largest in hot temperature, but the grew the most in cold temperature. 

Because of the results of this experiment, I wonder if scientists can create larger crystals.  If they did, it might enable manufacturers to produce better electronics. 

If I were to conduct this project again I would place the crystal that was by the fireplace in a warmer place.


Schwind, Palmer, Arlene" Crystals" Encarta Encyclopedia  2000

" Crystals" Encarta Encyclopedia 1999

Stangl, Jean, Crystals U.S., Joe Le Monnier, 1990

" Crystal," World Book Encyclopedia, 1991



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