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Great Falls Middle School
Student Research
Journal of Investigation abstracts
Spring 1996 - Section 6
<h1> Great Falls Middle School
Student Research Center
Journal of Investigation Abstracts
Spring of 1996 - Section 6
Table of Contents:
- 1. Information and how people vote
- 2. Salt and the reaction of pennies with vinigar
- 3. Kinds of wood and burning time
- 4. Reasons for not having rulers in class
- 5. Different substances and melting snow
- 6. Weather and radio waves
- 7. Different surfaces and finger prints
- 8. Salt and boiling water
- 2. Salt and the reaction of pennies with vinigar
TITLE: The Effect of Different Bits of Information on how it Affects the Vote for President. STUDENT RESEARCHERS: Steve Prondecki & Scott Kuzmeskus. SCHOOL: Great Falls Middle School. Montague MA. GRADE: 7 TEACHER: Mr. Kenney I. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE AND HYPOTHESIS: We wanted to find out who would win an election if children could vote for who they thought was best for the job. Our hypothesis stated that Clinton would receive the most votes even with good information about other candidates. II. METHODOLOGY: First, we got information about what the candidates wanted to do if they became president. Then we made our tally sheets with just the candidates names on them. Next Scott took them to Mr. Kenny, and had him hand them out to the class he was in. When they were filled out, Steve went back and picked them up. We then counted the votes and marked down the winner of the first trial of votes. Then we made another batch of tally sheets with the information that we collected about them. We then gave them out to the same class as before and had them vote. We collected them and recorded our data on our data table. III. ANALYSIS OF DATA: The first trial, 11 children voted for Dole, 8 voted for Clinton, 2 voted for Forbes, 4 voted for Buchanan and I voted for Keyes. On the second trial, ( the trial with the information) I voted for Dole, 10 voted for Clinton, 12 voted for Forbes, 2 voted for Buchanan and 0 voted for Keyes. IV. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION: When we had added up all of the votes for the two trials. Dole ended up with 12 votes, Clinton with 18, Forbes with 14, Buchanan with 6 and Keyes with a big... I! Therefore our data supported our hypothesis, Clinton won by a majority of "4" votes. V. APPLICATION: We learned from this investigation that children are very heavily glued to their everyday MTV videos that they have NO clue that the world is actually revolving around them. So they first knew almost nothing about any presidential election, Until Steve and I came along and informed them about it. It also seems that children tend to favor Clinton and Forbes over anyone else.
TITLE: The Effect of Different Amounts of Salt on Pennies How long Pennies Will Last in Vinegar. STUDENT RESEARCHER: Jason Hair SCHOOL: Great Falls Middle School, Montague, MA GRADE: 7 TEACHER: Mr. Kenney I. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE AND HYPOTHESIS: The purpose of this investigation was the to find out If salt would affect how long pennies took to disintegrate in vinegar. II. METHODOLOGY: My major findings were that the penny with the most salt lost more mass than the other pennies. III. ANALYSIS OF DATA: I thought that the penny with most salt would disintegrate fully, but my Hypothesis was not supported by my data. IV. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION: I found out that the penny with the most salt lost the most mass .1 thought that the salt would make them disintegrate.
TITLE: The Effect of Different Kinds of Wood on How Fast it Bums. STUDENT RESEARCHER: Mike Leveille SCHOOL: Great Falls Middle School, Montague, MA GRADE: 7 TEACHER: Mr. Kenney I. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE AND HYPOTHESIS: I wanted to find out how long it would take different types of wood to bum. My hypothesis stated that birch would burn the fastest compared to Oak and Maple. II. METHODOLOGY: First, I took two pieces of wood and some newspaper and some kindling and started it on fire. Then I checked the fire every 1 0 minutes. I did this 2 more times with different kinds of wood. First I used Oak then Maple and last I used Birch. III. ANALYSIS OF DATA: My data showed that Oak took the longest to bum and Birch took the shortest time to bum. It took an average of 1 hr. and 25 minutes to bum. It also burned the hottest. IV. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION : My data supported my hypothesis, therefore I excepted my hypothesis which stated that Oak would bum the longest. V. APPLICATION : If I were to introduce this information to the world, it would be very useful because people would know that Oak bums the longest and the hottest.
TITLE: WHY DONT STUDENTS HAVE RULERS IN CLASS. STUDENT RESEARCHERS: IAN BARRETT AND KEN DESALVO SCHOOL: GREAT FALLS MIDDLE SCHOOL, TURNPIKE ROAD, MONTAGUE, MA GRADE: 7 TEACHER: MR. KENNEY I. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE AND HYPOTHESIS: Our purpose for this investigation was to find out why a lot of people don't have their rulers when they come to school. We also wanted to find out a way to make it so more people bring rulers to school. Our hypothesis was that people would suggest that the school supply rulers. Our hypothesis was not supported by most people. II. METHODOLOGY: First we took a survey about rulers. We asked questions about how many people have rulers and suggestions about what we could do to make everyone have a ruler. Then we made a data table and two graphs. Our data table had all of our information on it. One of the graphs compared the # of people on the team to the # of people that had a ruler. The next one showed what people said we should do about the problem. III. ANALYSIS OF DATA: We found that 19 people wanted to give out detentions if they forgot it more than once. 15 people said that the teachers should supply them. 8 people had no opinion and 32 people were in cooperative with our survey. IV: SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION: In our studies we found that the best way to prevent this problem would be to give detentions if they forgot their ruler twice. I think it would be a good idea to try in school sometime. It would also be good to try handing them out in class because that had a high vote too. V. APPLICATION: I think that reading this project would be an enormous help to many teachers with very forgetful students. You could use the same method for something else such as not having a pencil in class or many other things.
TITLE: The Effect of Different Substances on How Well They Melt Snow. STUDENT RESEARCHER: Doug Dupell SCHOOL: Great Falls Middle School, Montague, MA GRADE: 7 TEACHER: Mr. Kenney, I. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE AND HYPOTHESIS: I wanted to do something with the snow so I took five inches of snow and put one Tbs. of salt, sugar, mouthwash and just plain snow in every 5 inches of snow. I thought the salt would melt the most snow. II. METHODOLOGY: First I took some the five inches of snow and put 1 TBS. of salt, sugar, mouthwash or just plain snow in every 5 inches of snow and let it sit for one hour then I recorded my data and did ft 3 more times. III. ANALYSIS OF DATA: The salt melted an average of 3.3 inches over 3 trials. Plain snow melted an average of 3.1 over 3 trials. Sugar and mouthwash melted the same amount an average of 2.8 over 3 trials. IV. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION: My hypothesis was supported by my data but I was surprised to see that plain snow came in second melting 3.1 inches of snow. V: APPLICATION: Now we know if you want to melt snow faster put the good old salt on the sidewalk.
TITLE: The Effect of Different Kinds of Weather on Radio Waves. STUDENT RESEARCHERS: Joshua Spiller, Jason Boduch and Bobby Vlach SCHOOL: Great Falls Middle School, Montague, MA GRADE: 7 TEACHER: Mr. Kenney I. STATEMENT AND HYPOTHESIS: Our purpose was that we were trying to find out how clear signals were on various days with different types of weather Our hypothesis was that he signal would be strongest when it is sunny because the sky is clear. II. METHODOLOGY: A radio that is tuned to vhf, a recorder, paper, and pencil to write down the results. III. ANALYSIS OF DATA: We found out that the radio came in the best on cloudy days. Rainy days came in second and sunny days came in third. IV. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION: Our hypothesis was not supported by he data. Sunny days produced the worst signal and cloudy days produced the best. V. APPLICATION: This will help people because now people will know that cloudy days are good to talk on a CB Radio.
TITLE: The Effect Of Different Surfaces On Taking Fingerprints? STUDENT RESEARCHERS: Antonio V Rubinaccio and Henry Petrowicz GRADE: 7 SCHOOL: Great Falls Middle School, Montague, MA GRADE: 7 TEACHER: Mr. Kenney I. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE AND HYPOTHESIS: We wanted to do an investigation to see if different surfaces would have an effect on taking fingerprints. Our hypothesis was that glass would be the easiest to take fingerprints off of. II. METHODOLOGY: First we got the materials we needed which were 1 piece of metal, tape, 1 piece of glass 1 piece of cloth and some dry acrylic paint powder. Next we put a finger print on the metal and sprinkled the dry paint on the print. Then we took a piece of tape and put it gently on the finger print and lifted it off. The print would be on the tape. We did this step three times and did the same for glass and cloth. We recorded our observations. III. ANALYSIS OF DATA: Finger prints lifted from the glass got an average score of 6.1. The metal came to the average of 5.l. The cloth didn't do so well at an average of 0. IV. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION: The glass was the easiest to take fingerprints off of. We accepted our hypothesis, which was that the glass would be the easiest to take fingerprints off of. V. APPLICATION We think that it may help the cops in investigations to know where the best prints could be found. It could also help people whose homes were broken into.
TITLE: The Effect Of Different Amounts Of Salt On How Fast Water boils. STUDENT RESEARCHER: Julie Bowden GRADE: 7 SCHOOL: Great Falls Middle School, Montague, MA TEACHER: Mr. Kenney I. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE AND HYPOTHESIS: I wanted to find out a quicker way to boil water. My hypo thesis states that If I put a whole tablespoon of salt in the pot then the water will boil faster. II. METHODOLOGY: First, I had to get the following materials: eighteen cups of water, six tablespoons of salt, one big pot, and a timer. Then, I put three cups of water in the pot with half of tablespoon of salt. When the water boils I recorded the time it took it for the water to boil. I then repeated this a second time but this time I did not add salt to the water in the pot. When it started to boil, I recorded the time it took. I Repeated it a third time, adding one tablespoon to the three cups of water in the pot and bringing this to a boil. I recorded the time it took to come to a boil. III. ANALYSIS OF DATA: My data shows that the whole tablespoon of salt boiled the fastest by two minutes over the half tablespoon of salt. The water with the no salt added fell in the middle with 6 minutes. IV. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION: In my study, I know to put one tablespoon of salt boils fastest. My hypothesis was supported by my data. V. APPLICATION: Now I know to put one tablespoon of salt in the water to something such as pasta, it would make the water boil faster. I think the salt evaporates when the water does, so the salt does not change the other ingredients such as pasta. A future investigation could be done to prove that the ingredients would not be affected by adding salt.