Digging for Soil Secrets
Let's explore the soil in a deep pit and discover what lies beneath. We'll measure the depth, identify the texture, color, structure, moisture and presence of rocks, roots and free carbonates.
The hypothesis is that the soil in the deep pit will have different characteristics depending on the depth.
Method & Materials
You will use a GPS to record your time and location, an auger to take core samples of the soil, and a meter stick to measure the depth of the hole. You will also observe the soil on the tarp to determine the structure, texture, and color.
You will need an auger, a meter stick, a GPS, a color book, and a pH paper.
The soil in the deep pit had different characteristics depending on the depth. The pH of the first horizon was 9.0 and the soil had a red pigment in it. The soil had many rocks, few roots, and no carbonates.
Why do this project?
This science project is interesting and unique because it allows us to explore the soil in a deep pit and discover what lies beneath.
Also Consider
Experiment variations to consider include testing the pH of the soil in different horizons and testing the presence of different substances in the soil.
Full project details
You can find additional information and details for this science fair project here. Have fun exploring!Related video
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