Select a commercial area within an urban community. You may want to use an arbitrary area of coverage such as an area covering five blocks.
Check websites like Map Quest or Google Maps to assist you in getting information about the community. These websites are also helpful in determining distance between stores.
Visit the food establishments located in the selected area and determine the availability of fresh fruit and vegetables. You should visit as many food establishments as possible within the selected city/area, in order to ensure that your data represents what is typical within the area.
Note the quality and condition of the fruits and vegetables
Approximate what percentage of the total store inventory is devoted to fresh foods versus processed foods.
Use Map Quest, Google Maps, or your own estimates to determine the distance between these grocery stores.
Survey residents: Ask them how often they eat fresh fruits or vegetables on a weekly basis. Also ask them, "How difficult would it be for you to obtain fresh fruit and vegetables?" and "Why?".
Repeat these steps with a non-urban community.
How do the results of the two communities compare in respects of (1) the availability of fresh foods and (2) consumption of fresh foods. Tabulate your information and present it it in tables, charts and graphs.